Custom Packaging

You are looking to purchase affordable retail boxes for your products, My Box Packaging; a premium quality custom boxes solutions provider is ready here to satisfy all your packaging needs. We understand the real purpose of your boxes; we deliver quality, branded and up to the mark boxes at your doorstep.

Simple Diy to Make with Medicine Boxes

We use medicines in our everyday lives. They are very important as they cure us of different ailments. In our lives, we go through different seasons, weather fluctuations and temperature alterations. All of this can lead to changes in our surroundings which our body is sometimes not capable of dealing with. Similarly, there are viruses that could be harmful to our bodies. They weaken pour immune systems and can make us ill. If we do not take care of ourselves properly, we become prey to these viruses.

But medicines cure us in such times. They enable us to fight these situations by providing our antibodies that can keep away diseases. Given the nature of illnesses, they can hit us anytime. Therefore, every home should have basic medicines always available. These home medicines ensure that we have enough to keep ourselves healthy during unhealthy turns of different seasons.

To keep those medicines safe from contamination, we should have a container that is clean and keeps saves medicines from dirt, UV rays, and moisture. These are the leading factors in making medicines unfit for usage Every home should have Medicine Boxes that can be used at any time by anyone. But there must be some caution while using these boxes. They should be kept out of children’s reach. Children can consume medicines for fun and cause harm to their health. Similarly, elder people might not be able to take the right medicine put of the mix themselves so they should not also be allowed to access the container freely.

There are simple steps through which such a box can be built.


Just like a house cannot be built without bricks, a box cannot be built without using basic tools. To build a medical container, the things needed are a bonding tape, ruler, scissors, and cardboard box (a used one can be recycled for this purpose), marker, and glue.

The marker used must be permanent with thick ink for easy identification of different medicines and equipment.

Step 1

The cardboard needs to be sorted out, first of all. The box should be unfolded and made converted into a large cardboard sheet. This sheet can later be made a box. The original cardboard casing should be unfolded with care otherwise there are chances of corners and edges getting damaged.

Step 2

It is time to use the scale. The number and amount of medicines that need to be stored should be ascertained beforehand to make the perfectly sized box. The standard-sized boxes are not very big but larger boxes can always be designed. Measure precisely using the scale so the container is suitable for usage.

Around 2 inches of space needs to be left from the original edges to create new ones. Repeat this process around all the sides to make the edges fresh. Freshly cut edges are easier to bond because they are dirt-free and can be glued easily because of their large surface area as opposed to rugged, older edges and corners.

Step 3

After marking the cardboard all around, cut 5 equivalent pieces from it if the box is to be made square. The rectangular box can also be made but it has different dimensions and needs to be cut differently. It will require a larger base and the top with smaller right and left sides.

Smaller cardboard pieces can also be cut to create a section inside the container. This section can be used to store different types of medicines.

Step 4

After cutting 5 large pieces, they should be joined together using glue. First of all, the base should be put on a flat surface and the right and left parts should be glued on it. They should be pressed on the surface with some force and let dry for 10-15 minutes. Now the next two parts should be glued on the surface by pressing and drying them for 10-15 minutes.

If sections are to be made, they should be glued before sticking the sides. They must be glued on the base from the start and after that, the sides should be joined with the base. If the glue is not strong enough, the scotch tape can be applied on corners and edges for extra protection of lockable medicine boxes.

When the glue has been applied and the box has been completely built, it should be dried for almost half an hour for strength. After that, different sections can be marked accordingly.

New Ideas for Wrapping your Homemade Soap

There is a famous saying that “cleanliness is next to godliness” and the most commonly used cleansing item is soap. It is an essential commodity needed by everyone, men and women, young and old. On average, a person uses 100 grams of this cleansing item per week. There are hundreds of types of soaps available in the market ranging from beauty, whitening, bathing, washing plates, laundry, automobile, pets, anti-bacterial, anti-acne, and so much more. The only thing that remains common in all these types is the soap packaging.


Soap Packaging


The consumers of this commodity can be categorized into three types. Majority of the people purchase these cleansing bars from the store around the corner. But there are some who like to prepare it at home for them as well as send them to their loved ones. Then there is the third type of consumers who prefer homemade products but cannot make them due to certain reasons. The third type of consumers then look up to the second category users and want them to sell their products to them.


Soap purchase


The demand for homemade items has increased many folds during the past few years and today it has become an industry. According to a study conducted in 2017, the homemade soap industry was worth around US$150 million. It is estimated that the value will rise to US$220 million by the year 2024. This trend has also increased the demand for the soap boxes at the domestic level. The domestic manufacturers use these casings to keep their product protected and send it to the local store or the buyers directly. But there are some manufacturers who want to make the soap packaging at home in order to give it 100 percent organic and homemade look. Those who are working in the business for some time know how to do the wrapping of the bars. But for those who are new to the race, the following guide will help them to learn how they can wrap up their domestic product in a stylish way.



Corrugate a trusted substance

Corrugate stock is a trusted material used to keep the items protected not only during the shipping but also while they are displayed on the shelf of a store. As a manufacturer, you can handle the stock easily and wrap it around the bar. Tie the corrugated board with a fancy ribbon and your package is ready to sail.


Soap trusted material


Painted papers

If you have no idea how to cover your detergent bar yet you want to make an impressive packaging then you should try personalized painted papers. Use watercolors and paint the papers to make interesting packages for your homemade items. You can reduce the cost to a minimum level by using the recycled papers. In this way, you can not only minimize the cost but also contribute to saving the natural environment. You can also use the colors to make them recognizable according to the ingredients that you have used to prepare the product.


soap Painted papers


Cloth wrapping

Using fabric for the packaging of this homemade item is another ideal solution. The scrap fabric that you might have thought to be useless can be useful for this purpose. Since you cannot cut all the clothes in the house for this purpose alone, you can contact local garments shops, tailors, superstores, and boutiques. Cut the fabric in the size that is suitable for your detergent. Put the bar in the middle of the cut piece and tie it gently. You can also attach a handmade tag of the type of the cleanser such as lavender, Shea butter, and peppermint. It will help the consumers to identify what type of material is used for the manufacturing of the soap.


Cloth wrapping

Kraft stock

Kraft stock is a well-known packaging material due to its strength and resistant to environmental hazards. Usually, it comes in a brown colour but it is available in the market in different shades as well. It is a customization friendly material and you can mold it to the shape you want for the package to be. Since it is a strong and heavy-duty material, it is perfectly suitable for the packaging of more than one bar in a single package.


Another creative way to use this material is to pack the detergent in it and put a handmade tag on it. This tag can either be of the same colour as the Kraft you use for the wrapping or it can also be a contrast. Cut the tags in the same shape and size and make a hole at their top using the hole puncher. Tie the tag over the soap box using a fancy ribbon or simple thread only. Your safe and stylish package is ready to rock the shelf of the store.

5 Easy Steps for a Successful Brand Building Process

Whether you have a product manufacturing brand or a shipping business, success is always the one common requirement. There are plenty of ways to get success for your brands. Custom Boxes and packaging always plays a vital role in any product or shipping brand’s portfolio. There should always be different priorities for product manufacturing based brands or shipping ones. Below we have some basic and easy steps that can help any brand grow its portfolio and find success rather quickly:

1: Research the Target Market

The very first you want to get right is market research. Any product industry brand or even shipping one needs to know their market inside out. Some important considerations any brand should be making are:

  • How saturated is the market for the target product or service?
  • What kinds of products have previously done well?
  • Pricing and costing will always be very significant
  • What features your product should focus on?
  • What Customized Boxes suit products best?
  • Which Custom Shipping Boxes suit the need best?

All these features and many more are influential in any brand’s success chances. Proper market research always plays a vital role in long term success as well.

2: Explore All Advertisement Channels


The advertisement is one of the most important features for any brand in today’s so intense and competitive retail space. Conventional advertisement channels including TV, social media and print media are always of great importance.

Customized Packaging Boxes also offer great shelf based advertisement for competing products. Influencing buying decisions for customers, these can be some of the most important. Logo printed boxes or attractively designed boxes are always important for a brand’s success.


3: Present Your Products and Brands Attractively


Presenting your products and brands attractively is another highlighting feature. When you have beautifully packaged products that offer great unboxing for customers, your efforts will be appreciated. Along with the actual product or service quality, the presentation also matters a great deal. Here as well, you would need high-quality Custom Boxes for your products. Beautifully crafted products can do best with clear window boxes and others can use beautifully printed and designed boxes. Anything you can do to enhance the look and feel of your products will help.


4: Unique Ideas Are Winners


The retail market is getting more intense and competitive every year with new brands joining the race. What you need is a new unique idea in terms of product functionality or its Customized Boxes presentation. This unique idea can really make that difference-making your products stand out from the crowd efficiently at all times.


A different but attractive type of packaging or a new kind of products can become an instant hit in the market. However, the balance is really thin between getting a new kind of product or innovative packaging and going overboard with it. No one will wish to buy something that looks nothing like how they perceive a product or service. It all has to be relevant enough to be considered as the next purchase for any potential buyer.


5: Packaging Boxes Are Immensely Important


Whether you look at Customized Shipping Boxes or retail products packaging, it will always be one of the most important product features. Packaging plays a vital role in:

  • Keeping products organized and in one place
  • Offering protection for products for their entire lifecycles
  • Making products look great and attractive with beautiful designs
  • Offer various other features like products displays or shipping

You will always need just the best Customized Packaging Boxes for your products making them stand out from the rest. Good quality products will only be great if they can reach their end-users in their perfect forms and presentations with packaging boxes.

How to Make Custom Boxes and Mailers for your Business

Customized Packaging Boxes:


The product packaging is the main essence to make the product eye-catching. At first glance it gives the potential customer an overview of quality and ingredients used in the product. So it is essential to give priority to product packaging and put emphases on the different aspect which could make it more customer-oriented and if not done so it is more likely to stay on shelves for no reason. The Custom Boxes Packaging covers all activities of designing and producing the container and wrapper for a product. It plays an important role in determining the customer’s attitude against the product. Sometimes they looked at the packaging and tried to evaluate the quality of the product. It helps to identify the product. It Provides maximum flexibility to the user. A promotional tool that helps in increasing sales.


“Good packaging is an important factor in the success of the products.”


Classification of Packaging:


  1. It is designed for consumer’s comfort.
  2. The main Priority is marketing.
  3. It is Designed to focus on the handling convenience and protection during transportation.
  4. Its main focus is on management and arrangements.

Levels of packaging:

  • Primary Packaging.
  • Secondary Packaging.
  • Tertiary, transportation and transit Packaging.

Customize Boxes:


The printed logo plays an important role in many ways, the labeled boxes have become increasingly fashionable in the packaging industry. Creating these logos requires less time and the simplest way to bring them to market. If you have a logo on a packaging, you can easily promote the brand as this is the best marketing method in the world. It can also increase brand awareness because customers know your brand according to your brand packaging.


Guideline of Customize boxes packaging:


The first aspect should contain information about the size and weight ratio with respect to packaging also contains information about how much of net weight can be supported by packaging.


The Second aspect ease of use provided with instructions will discuss on how to unbox these packing then placing cosmetics inside along with repackaging the items.


Following are some aspects that should be implemented before customization:


  • Size can be customized according to the customer’s requirement.
  • Implementation of designing can be done according to the requirement.
  • Offset Printing is a printing method that is like a lithography.
  • Screen Printing is a method of enlarging a picture on the document, material or some other object by pushing ink across a screen with places obstructed off by a design.
  • In this level, we have done all process of customization.
  • Now it’s ready for shipping.


Customized Shipping Boxes:


Let us discuss how to make customize boxes.


First, the customer comes and requests for custom box. As with colors and designs, you want to identify something unique and a brand that your customers can instantly recognize when checking the products of your company. The information collected and published by the user. Then the printing process is started. In this process labels, Logos, and for instructions different font sizes and font styles are done written in box packaging. Then the customer checks the quality and assurance of the packaging. And after that, the order is ready for shipping and customer received the order.

Following are the custom boxes of very well-known brand, you can see their packaging box that are very simple and looks elegant. Not only does the way of packaging play an important role in the box production, but it also carries color that are valuable. Because if we make only one color with same design box without doing these things, it can attract fewer customers. These type of boxes always creates a brand and people to memorize them.


Custom display boxes adjust the boxes display to get a new look at the same traditional product. The product of poor quality can also be presented as a high-quality product through its unique, classical and personalized packaging. Each product has its own needs and characteristics that distinguish and differs it from other products. Just so, every packaging also has a special characteristic based on a type of product. Every company has a different packaging that would indicate their colors and taste. For example, if we use the strawberry aroma for ice cream packaging, it is necessary to print the color and shape of the strawberry in the customize display area. Adjusting the field allows you to put all types of information in the box you need to provide and the material used in the product. Use and caution should be printed on the box to avoid difficulty for a customer using the product. It also helps them identify the exact type of product they need, which suits their requirements.


Source: http://Customized Packaging Boxes:   The product packaging is the main essence to make the product eye-catching. At first glance it gives the potential customer an overview of quality and ingredients used in the product. So it is essential to give pr


Lip gloss is one of the high moving restorative items out in the market, ladies simply love to get it and utilize it to upgrade their magnificence. Lipgloss boxes have a critical significance in moving your lip gloss items, a flawless bundling either make your lip gloss items look alluring or exhausting if the lip boxes don't look engaging, so you must be to a great degree cautious about that.

Presently, the issue here is how to get the best lip gloss boxes for your lip gloss items? We will direct you with some elusive suggestions, so it will be simple for you to settle on a choice to choose the best custom lip gloss boxes. Some specific things you have to totally comprehend before picking the privilege printed lip gloss box for your business.


Top of the line quality material


  • Lipgloss boxes in white pressing

Picking the correct quality material for your custom lip gloss thing is an extremely basic advance, you need the best quality material you can get available, in light of the fact that ladies love brilliant bundling material for their beauty care products items.

Most ladies love to showcase their new items and a high caliber appealing and solid lip box will definitely get a handle on their consideration, and when they will pick that case, they will love the container so much, believing that lip gloss is made only for them, in the end, abandoning them with no choice yet to get it.


  • Fitting size


Size of the bundling does make a difference, you don't need to get those enormous size bundling boxes for your item, considering, they will get a handle on consideration, learn to expect the unexpected. You are incorrect in light of the fact that currently is the time for brilliant things and individuals, for the most part, incline toward shrewd boxes for their items.

In addition, the shop proprietors lean toward little boxes, the reason is that they cover less space leaving the merchant with more volume to put more stuff there. Just, in discount lip gloss box, the estimate must be exquisite, impeccable to grab ladies' eye; somewhat adaptable will be a decent decision since lip glosses are touchy items.


Extraordinary structure

  • lip gloss bundling

The lip gloss box must be extremely sly, excellent and eye-snappy, on the grounds that the ladies love things that look delightful than different things, the reason is each lady needs to look more wonderful than each other lady.


It's only a commonsense brain research, so exploit that and locate the most imaginative, interesting and alluring box for your lip gloss thing, in light of the fact that regardless of how best the nature of your lip gloss thing is.

On the off chance that you don't have that engaging lip box to showcase your lip gloss thing and eclipse your item from each other item on the rack, it won't be great, along these lines, be very much aware of that.


Stardom of boxes


Have you ever thought that a wrap or a straightforward cover can turn into the popularity of the organization? Truly, we make it workable for you. The boxes are exceptionally in vogue planned as needs be your desires. Moreover, we need to meet the norms of value, so turns into everybody's first decision.


Custom Boxes

#1 Custom Packaging Supplier in the USA - Order Custom Boxes, Check 200+ Boxes Styles. All sizes and colors are available at wholesale prices. Starting From $0.1, Stunning Customized Designs, Free shipping, Full-color printing, Choose Favorite Carton, Watch Our video, Quick turnaround, Call Us +1-312-579-3683